Structure auditing
When mandated to, Happy Children can audit the structure of existing day care solutions. The mandate can be from the day care solution itself or the day care’s owner (business or municipality).
We can audit the following structural aspects of day care entities:
- legal status and structure;
- organization project or governing bylaws;
- activities, missions and goals;
- personnel hierarchy;
- operational budget;
- realty and pedagogic equipment;
- partner relations.
Our objectives are to understand the specificities of your day care solution, in order to aide you in putting control structures in place for the personnel, the quality of care and running costs.
On the basis of our audit and after evaluating the positive and negative repercussions for the whole, we submit a report highlighting the issues and proposing adapted solutions.
After approval and only within the bounds of the mandate, we will take the necessary measures to successfully implement the recommended solutions.
Happy Children will gladly provide you with specialized advice and support in developing your day care projects. In addition our consulting solutions aide you in developing projects which conform to specific constraints, be they financial, technical or social, and maximize the child capacity of your project. Our consulting can also be used to adapt your existing solution to new specifications or constraints.
We also can help you with recruiting. Happy Children can, depending on your needs, sort requests, respond to candidates, or even take care of the whole recruitment process right up to employment.